
USA anklagar den där Assange för att vara landsförrädare.

Jag undrar vilket land har han förrådit? Ehhhh, ett främmande land? Han är ju australiensare! USA är inte hans land.

Hur kan han då vara landsförrädare?

Dessutom så kan jag tänka mig att det ligger mycket större spel bakom detta än vad man kan ana. Vi kommer att ta reda på det om sisådär 20 år eller nåt.

Allt det här ser ut som någon sorts masshypnos.

Read between the lines!

Wikileaks Julian Assange är världens mest jagade man | Nyheter | Aftonbladet.

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1 thought on “Landsförrädare?

  1. nedan kan ni lasa om utlandsk medias syn pa svensk lagstiftning, dar man konstaterar att vi ar unika i varlden och har gatt for langt. Viaar sig att fallet handlar om2 kvinnor som haft frivillig sex vid olika tillfallen men sedan dom upptackt att han haft sex med dom bagge anmalt honom for att ha haft fortsatt sex med dom sedan kondomen gatt sonder…Intressant ocksa att olika usa baserade intelligence agencies vill tysta honom pga av wikileake.

    “Court documents filed by the prosecutor show Assange is suspected of raping and sexually molesting a woman in the town of Enkoping, in central Sweden. He’s suspected of sexual molestation and unlawful coercion of the second woman, in Stockholm.A police report obtained by The Associated Press shows that both women had met Assange in connection with a seminar he gave in Stockholm on Aug. 14. The report shows the women filed their
    complaints together six days later.Stephens said the basis of the allegations seems to be a “dispute over consensual, but unprotected sex” days after it occurred.”Both women have declared that they had consensual sexual relations with our client and that they continued to instigate friendly contact well after the alleged incidents,” he said. “Only after the women became aware of each other’s relationships with Mr. Assange did they make their allegations against him.”The Swedish rape law is broader than similar laws in many other countries, partly because it covers rape within relationships.OBS OBS OBS! Following a revision in 2005, the threshold for what is considered coercion to a sexual act was lowered, and the definition of rape was widened to include all sexual acts, instead of only intercourse. The change also meant that someone who has sex with an underaged, unconscious, drunk, or sleeping person can be convicted of rape.

    “Sweden uses the designation rape in a way no other country uses it,” said lawyer Pe E. Samuelsson, a fierce critic of the sex crime law. “Lawmakers have gone one step too far in their eagerness to achieve something with the sex offense law.”

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